Lickshot siren schematic

Hello to everyone, first time posting on a forum.

I need some help figuring out a problem i been having with the schematic of the famous lickshot siren. Basically as you can see from the schematic there is a switch connected to s2-b that switches from nothing to ground or positive, in theory this switch should change the lfo range or something like that, but i tried the circuit and it has no effect at all. Does anyone has ever tried this schematic and can help me troubleshoot??

Thank you very much to anyone who can answer!!

Hi RasMills,
try this, it works well for me. I think there is a mistake in Nold’s schematic if I remember well.

S1 and S2 are 3 positions ON-OFF-ON switches

I made this one from Nold’s schematic with some modifications:

Thank you very much, such simple modification and now it works.
Also you built an amazing lickshot with extra features very cool!!

Great if it works well!

Hi gab, i have another question about this schematic if you can help me.

Basically I’m trying to use 2 capacitors on pin 5 and 6 of the 4069 and a switch to switch between them to have 2 different lfo ranges, but in my solder board i had to put the 2 caps a little far away instead of very close to the ic pins, and i notice that the big cap (10uF) works properly but the small one(1uF) doesnt work, only works when there is low resistance on the 500k pot(basically i get a static tone instead of a modulated tone from the lfo, the lfo just stops oscillating). So do I have to mount the caps very close to the ic or do i have antoher problem that i didnt figure out yet?

Thank you very much if you can answer!!

Big up!

This is a picture of the board so its more clear.

Hi RasMills,
No need to mount the caps close to the ic, but I did not use a polarized capacitor, I used this one and it works well for me:

I used a polarized cap because i didn’t have a non polarized one of 1uf, but now for some reason the circuit works, i have no idea what the problem was, there was probably something making contact and shorting some part of the circuit, this problem was driving me crazy yesterday ahaha.
Thank you anyway for answering.
I have another question, I’ve heard some other lickshot siren that sound a bit different from this one, the shots are more clean and more punchy
Like this one for example:

Do you maybe know if they are different and if u have the schematic for it?

Thank you very much breda!!!

Bad solder perhaps?
Nold’s lickshot is not really the typical Lickshot, RDH’s sounds good but I don’t have a schematic!
I have this one:
But I didn’t take the time to test it, if you ever try it I would like some feedback!

More info here:

and here:

Thank you very much for the info, probably not gonna try it very soon as I have other projects in mind, also the ancient looks of that schematic made me stay away from it ahahah, i saw it already on freedubcircuit.