le message qu’il a posté sur facebook le 8 avril (!)
Announcement : Due to very unfortunate circumstances I have to temporary close Jo Red Preamps workshop. I dont know yet how long it will take. I can’t take any orders until reopening.
All pending orders will be delayed. I will in the next weeks contact each individual to give more detailed info about this situation.
I won’t be able to reply any facebook/messenger messages.
I’m really sorry about this situation and its very difficult for me to close down my workshop.
To let you know a bit more what did happen and to not let people argue :
I lost my house, my workshop and my car in very short time period.
This has lead me to a very difficult shituation as you can imagine.
So now I’m struggling to get back a sustainable situation.
Find a house, buy a car and setup the new workshop. This will take time obviously. I’m confident I will be on right path again very soon.
Je conseillerais à tous ceux qui attendent du matos de trouver une autre solution …