Evolution des PD186 et PD1850 du catalogue Precision Device

Greetings family ! ::angel:

Pour avoir un peut plus d’info, je les est contacté… Voici leur réponse :

"The PD.186/2 has caused some confusion for our customers along with publication of new data for our 2014 catalogue. Firstly allow us to explain the updates to the speaker data on our website and in our new 2014 catalogue. Along with many updates to our production processes and workflows, we have recently appointed a new technical engineer and part of his remit was to re-test and document all of our speakers technical data as they stand today, data we published in the past was inherited from the previous company owners and often used differing testing processes or equipment. Our ‹ new › data reflects all drivers being subjected to the exact same tests and conditions using the same test equipment and standards. Unfortunately during this process we identified that some of the old speaker data was either incorrect or parameters had slightly shifted due to changes in component parts from our suppliers that we were not notified about and were beyond our control. After further investigation we have discovered that most of the changes occurred several years ago, therefore previously published data was not entirely accurate and the reality is that if you have a driver that is less than 5yrs old then the ‹ new › data will most likely apply. We can also confirm that we have tested all drivers in enclosures to ensure they perform correctly using the old and new data, which we are happy to report they do.

Now for the PD.186 and the new PD.186/2…. We can confirm that the only difference between the PD.186 and PD.186/2 is the speaker chassis, the /2 uses our new 18" chassis design. The new chassis design increases the product depth by approx 10mm and also removes the ‹ hidden › inner fixing holes found on the original 186 under the gasket. Because of the increased depth re-cone kits are not interchangeable between the PD.186 and /2, however we are committed to still producing re-cone kits for the original PD.186 to support owners of these drivers. So in answer to your question, yes you can still use the PD.186/2 in a PD.186 enclosure design, you can also mix and match the two drivers, although we recommend balancing them out across enclosures to ensure best performance. I.e. If you have a 2x18 cab and 2x 186 and 2x186/2 put one of each driver into the cabs not 186 in one and 186/2 in the other.

If you would like any further information or you have any more questions please let us know.
Precision Devices"

Un bredda a déjà 4 scoop de montée en 186 et 2 autre en 186.2, malheureusement on n’a pas encore le matos pour confirmer qu’il n’y a pas de changement accoustic…

So blabla commercial ou réalité technique…? Stay tuned :wink:

Nuff respect !