DIY crossover frequencies

Hi everyone,
In starting to build a home made dub preamp, and I want to buil a 4 way crossover, with fixed frequencies(because its easier) what frequencies cut do you suggest? I was thinking 60hz 150hz 4khz? Idk i need some suggestions.
Thanks to everyone answering.
Big up

Hi @RasMills !
It’s really depends on which speakers you have.
For exemple if you have some Mogale Super Scoop for the sub (with PD1850) 60Hz it’s a bit low and you can cut at 90Hz.
So if you want a preamp whith fixed frequencies it’s better to define what you’r going to use with before :slight_smile:

1 « J'aime »

Hi @jameszer,
Thank you for answering!
Unfortunatly I don’t have a sound system so i have no idea what I’ll be using it on(maybe a sound with hog scoops of a friend of mine), at first I’ll use it with the mixed output all going to a single amplifier. At this point I’m just looking for frequencies that allow me to cut the sub and keep just the kick. Maybe 90 150/200 5k?
(The best idea is variable freq crossover but as the first time trying to build a preamp I’m trying to keep it simple)

Thanks again bred

I’m also building a preamp.
My cutoff frequencies are :

  • Sub … / 90Hz
  • Bass 90 / 180Hz
  • Low mid 180 / 1200Hz
  • High mid 1200 / 5 000Hz
  • Tweet 5 000 / 20 000Hz (Will maybe push the High Mid to 20 000Hz)

It’s a 5 way and my cutoff frequencies or choosen for the system I want to build
but you can get inspiration from it.

Hope this can help you !


@jameszer I would love to see your preamp and how you are building it.
Anyway thank you, at this point i think i will use 90hz 180hz 5khz since I want a 4way.
Are you building a preamp 100% from scratch? What other functionalities are you gonna implement? Im building the power supply and already built a sub booster(will test it as soon as i can build the psu), maybe I’ll add some parametric eq but also tryna keep it simple cause it’s the first time trying to do it.
Do you have any tips/suggestions?
Thanks breda
