Thx Max pour ces infos super interressantes et Panda pour le sujet
J’ai trouvé cette petite citation de Jammy à propos de Tubby en complément :
« When I was at King Tubby’s studio mixin’ dubs, a lotta those equipments, King Tubby build those ‘imself, yunno what I mean? If ‘im don’t build most of them, ‘im jus’ improvise on them an’ mek them different from the original, so we had something different. The reverb unit that we used to use there it was a Fisher reverb, an’ we change it up to become a King Tubby and Fisher!(laughs) The slides that we use’ to use, we change them from original slides, because the mixin’ console was so old you couldn’t get replacement parts for it. We use other models to incorporate in that console. »
Et pour compléter le topic, j’avoue que l’élargir à d’autres fondateurs et acteurs majeurs du dub pourrait être so coOl ^^
bonne journée,
bigg Upp !!